Friday 15 June 2007

stone me!

i did it!! woohoo, at last. I have lost a whole stone!!!

Saturday 2 June 2007

help!! I have a problem

I went to border today and ASDA and between the two came home with three more cookbooks:
La Dolce Vita - Isabel Cole
Jamie Oliver - Jamie's Italy
Nigella Lawson - how to be a domestic goddess.
I am sick. Help me.
I also bought a pretty storage box for all my loose recipes ripped out of magazines. :)

Friday 1 June 2007

not before time

I haven't posted any pics here before so I thought i'd change that.

When you look at this you'd be forgiven for thinking i love to cook, but really ilove to imagine that i love to cook, i rarely give it the time and attention it deserves being basically bone idle. :)

So here are my cookbooks.
The little shelves are in my kitchen and the green books with "RECIPES" on the spine contain some written out by my Nanna along with my own additions. These books contain some of the secrets of my childhood and I love them. The black notebook with the little monster on the front is full of bits and pieces about cooking and booze but no actual recipes. Some of these books are hand me downs from Nanna and Mum, some are bought and about a further 15 were given to friends and charity as part of a recent clear out.
These are the only books in the front room, our many hundreds of books are upstairs on the bookshelves. Whe we finish doing up the downstairs more of them may move back down.
I didn't change weight at all in the last week but with camping and being full of cold thats ok. By next weds I am going to have completed my 1 stone weight loss.