Thursday 24 May 2007

close but no cigar

2 pounds lost, so I have now lost 12 pounds, 2 more for a stone. My first stone. Glastonbudget this week, i'm glad Jo is going because we are both weight watchers people so can support each other through a weekend of camping and drinking and tribute bands. I will certainly need the help.
Wish me luck folks. On the plus side, if I shift the two pounds by the time i see mum on weds next week there is almost certainly a shopping trip in it for me.

Wednesday 16 May 2007

Time for a hard push

Right well I lost 1.5pounds this week, which is ace. That's a total of 10pounds and only 4 left to my first stone. This week then, I am going to walk to work every day that it's not chucking down with rain and be really strict about sticking to my points, I really really want to get those last 4 pounds off this week. For a start losing a stone is going awesome, second, it means i'll be the same weight i was when I met my man. There's a long way to go before i hit healthy, but I am really please with my progress.

Monday 14 May 2007


Spain was easy in a way, we walked lots and were having so much fun we hardly thought of food. The few days at home, in bad weather bored, just hanging out, that was hard. Boredom is a killer, it's when i nibble, and that's fatal. I coped, but it was a trial, so there we go, not a major breakthrough but i managed some self restraint and to stick to my points.

Friday 11 May 2007

my butt hurts. :(

Mark bought a push bike yesterday and today we cycled into town, had lunch and cycled back. Keep in mind that i only learnt to ride a bike last year and have done the trip to town twice, alone, slowly. I am very nervous on a bike and have never done both ways in one day. 6 mile round trip!!! yikes. I am feeling very virtuous and very saddle sore.

Wednesday 9 May 2007


3.5 pounds off so a total 8.5 in 5 weeks. I also got my first little silver half stone seven. Been a bit nibbly today which is bad but gonna make up for it tommorrow. Obviously i need to spend more time in spain.

the proof of the pudding

Well we are back from spain and today we see what the damage is. It's been two weeks, with a week of holiday abroad where i payed no attention to anything, a 40th birthday where i drank lots, visiting marks family with food and booze involved. I'll report back later. Wish me luck.